Safe Harbor Networks for Referenced Based Solutions

Narrow networks that work well with referenced based health plans. We provide a safety net of providers for your members.

Employer Specific Provider Directories

Our customized directories help members find the right provider and maximize their healthcare benefits through upfront identification of Tiers, differences in benefits etc.

Powerful Customization Capabilities

Tiered Benefit Plan Design?
Narrow Network?
We can do it all!

Customized Networks for Health Systems and Community Health Plans

Back Office Solutions to help Health Systems market their own network to Payors and Employers

Tailored Networks for Employers

The perfect fit: Direct provider relationships to help employers control costs.

International Network

For payors managing travelers/extended stay visitors within the United States, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands

Workers’ Compensation Network

Network coverage for worker’s compensation claims

Group Health Networks

Secondary/Travel Wrap and
EOB Networks

Total Back Office Support

Full service back office solution for regional or hospital based networks from contract management to claims repricing and customer service.

Contract Management

Contract Delivery and Tracking

Credentialling and demographic data collection

Provider Outreach and Education